WARNING: Some ammo was injured in the making of this video! Not for the faint of heart. Lets torture some 9mm Luger [9x19mm] by exposing it to multiple cycles of extreme heat and cold. Then, lets go to the range and do a ‘before and after’ comparison of reliability, velocity and accuracy to see if there is any practical difference. The goal is to find out if storing ammo in extreme temps such as in a car, or buried in a SHTF stash will cause it to deteriorate over time.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Fire and Ice illustrations in the video thumbnail were designed by Freepik: http://www.freepik.com
Shooting Chrony F-1: https://amzn.to/2Mabz7B
Glock Model G34 Gen 3
Photos and video shot with Canon EOS Rebel SL2 18-55mm EF-S STM Lens: https://amzn.to/2Ewbq9V
The audio recorded with Sony ECMCS3 Omni Stereo Electret Mic: https://amzn.to/2Wreaj0
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