Adiga Armory has supported the NRA for many years through membership and instructor dues as well as promoting the NRA on our site. Unfortunately, we decided to stop funding or promoting the NRA back in 2018 after they came out in support of “Red Flag” gun confiscation. However, they still get our money from instructor certification dues. And now, it may be time to truly sever all ties.

We have seen the total lack of action and support from the NRA as Virginia gun owners come under assault. Here in Colorado, they have done exactly nothing to help with our similar situation. We have seen the NRA’s lavish spending and gross waste of funds in recent times. We have seen the NRA come out in support of dangerous anti-gun legislation over the years. And we have watched the NRA turn a blind, partisan eye while politicians from their favored party throw gun owners under the bus.

Is it time to forfeit/cancel my NRA life membership and instructor certifications so I can stop funding this failing organization with instructor dues?

What do you think? Please comment below.





TAGS: nra Virginia, nra problems, cancelling nra membership, cancel nra membership, nra membership benefits, nra membership cancellation, nra corrupt, nra corruption, nra spending, wayne lapierre corruption, wayne lapierre spending spree, nra wayne lapierre, nra financial trouble, nra financial problems, nra instructor training, nra instructor shooting test, nra instructor course,

Cancelling My NRA Life Membership and Instructor Certs? Whoa Nelly!
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